We will introduce a simple Layered Architecture in Next.js to give you an idea of how to achieve a good separation of responsibilities and high maintenance code.

We will introduce a simple Layered Architecture in Next.js to give you an idea of how to achieve a good separation of responsibilities and high maintenance code.

Tech Stack

The basic technology stack for target web applications using Next.js / TypeScript is as follows:

You can create an efficient service using only Node.js.
SSR / AMP of Next.js, Vercel, and Firebase make it fast and easy to scale.

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Simplified Layered Architecture


With reference to the above articles, we have adopted a simplified layered architecture.

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About the responsibilities of each directory

Describes the responsibilities of each directory under the src directory.

  • components : React Component based on Atomic Design
  • foundations : Calling Firebase, Google Analytics library, etc.
  • hooks : Common React Hooks across components
  • interactors: responsible for external services and communication (fetcher and mapper)
    • mappers : responsible for the mapping to each object
  • models : Common types within an application
  • pages : Responsible for app routing
  • services : responsible for complex business logic
  • store : Definition for state management in apps (Recoil)
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How to Write a Component

When creating a React Component, write the View (JSX) as a component(Presenter), and the logic for displaying data as a Container, and separate the responsibilities.

import styled from 'styled-component';
import React, { memo } from 'react';

type ContainerProps = {
  target?: string;

type Props = Required<ContainerProps>;

// Layers for display
export const Presenter: React.FC<Props> = (props) => (
  <h1 className={css['greeting']}>
    Welcome to, <span>{props.target}</span>

// Logic layers
// Convert props to the data format displayed on Component
const Container: React.FC<ContainerProps> = (props) => {
  const target = props.target || 'world';

  return <Presenter target={target} />;

export default memo(Container);
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Merit of the architecture

  • Separating Presenter (Container) and Component makes the thinking simpler
  • The responsibilities of each layer are clear, so there are fewer places to read and rewrite code when specifications are added or changed
  • Do not worry about what and where to write when adding a process
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Price Rank Dev
I use Next.js (React) and Firebase (Firestore / Auth) for development. We are also developing APIs for Ruby on Rails and GraphQL. Our team members are 6 Vietnamese and Japanese engineers.